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Learn how Mentaya works for you as a patient.
8 articles
How it works for clientsHas your therapist recently invited you to join Mentaya? Are you curious about how it all works? Here’s a quick walkthrough!
Self Service Option: Submit Past SuperbillsClients can submit your past superbills with Mentaya!
Does my therapist need to be on Mentaya?Your therapist needs to be on Mentaya for us to handle your claims.
Understanding Your Claim Status: A Comprehensive GuideMentaya claim status breakdown for therapists and clients.
How to Update Credit CardA step-by-step guide on updating your payment information within your account!
Connecting with Your Provider on MentayaThis guide will help patients ensure they're properly linked with their provider on the platform.
Understanding Your Therapy Reimbursement with MentayaHas your therapist submitted your first claim in Mentaya? Here's what you should expect.
Understanding Your Out-of-Network BenefitsUnderstand out-of-network (OON) benefits, including key terms like deductible, copay, coinsurance, along with how the reimbursement process functions.